A TSC recap; A year since my Hayley hiatus
Hi everyone, here we are again just a few days away from my birthday and like many of you, I’m perplexed with where the time has gone. I mean, we are in a pandemic still where we’ve been in quarantine and/or social distancing for the better part of 5 months so maybe that’s it. It’s interesting to end up here again and be in a completely different place than I anticipated. Usually, I have some foresight as to what’s going to happen because I’m intentional in setting goals for myself, my business, and my family. Especially with 32. Why? Well, if you don’t recall, I took a monthlong hiatus last year starting on my birthday. Let me recap the year and bring you along for the lessons I had to learn the hard way and some of the blessings that I never expected.

it's time I come clean...an update on all things TSC
I’m just going to pull the bandaid off and say it; this sucks.
Okay, I’ve been saying that a ton since this started but I feel like each week has added up another piece of bad news that I’m teetering between realism and pessimism only these days. The optimism makes an appearance as needed to keep me going, but all in all - this sucks. Let me have a pity party and tell you why.

if healing is what we're striving for, then why is it so triggering?
It’s taken me some time to determine how I can reintroduce myself on the blog after my Hayley hiatus. I’ve started by trying to write a recap blog and filming myself sharing the experience but nothing really felt - for lack of a better word - authentic. Mostly because I would feel myself spiraling when reliving the experience. I start to word vomit some not so nice things about myself or sob in front of my camera about how uncomfortable I am with all of this. You don’t want to see that footage, I promise you…
My love letter to the TSC team...
I don’t often like to write about my “success” because it makes me feel as though I think that I’m holier than thou or that I think I’ve made it. Which is false but there is a fine line I am going to dance on today because I have to acknowledge certain people that have really supported me and helped make TSC what it is today. Which is far more of a success than I ever anticipated it to be. And if you’re reading this thinking; “How is your company successful Hayley?”, I’ll break it down:

Year of Yin check in...
Some of you may remember that I proclaimed 2019 to be my year of Yin. A year that I would surrender more, go with the flow, not over-criticize or control, and just aspire to tap into my intuitive voice a little more deeply. Since we are already in June (how did that happen???) I felt like it was appropriate for me to do a little self-reflecting check-in and share what’s been going on and what I’ve learned so far. It dawned on me during the last week of May that everything I sought out to do in 2019, I have already accomplished so far. To have my years worth of to-dos already crossed off doing really resonate with the intention I set up for myself to just take it easy but there is a beauty about the space that I’m in now. I’ve taken classes, traveled, created more content, upgraded my offerings, did some events, and still managed to Marie Kondo at least a few rooms in my apartment. Now that the rest of the year is a bit of a blank slate, I really want to allow what I created and expanded to within the first 6 months to have some time to sink in. Especially the advanced education I invested in. Which leads me to a valuable item of discovery that I want to share with all of you today….
The Rebirth of Therapeutic Skin Coach
Just like anyone else who owns a business, it’s very common to have to exercise your elevator pitch of what your business is. I was used to having to try and put my business into a category and would become increasingly frustrated when people wouldn’t fully understand the all-encompassing work that comes out of me in order to make this dream of mine come true. Therapeutic Skin Coach has become something greater than I expected and when it started to become its own entity, I got really scared because it felt like I was exposing myself to the world. At the end of the day, Therapeutic Skin Coach isn’t just my blog, my facial practice, my social media presence...Therapeutic Skin Coach is me. It’s my philosophies, my teachings, my blood, sweat, and tears, and my nurturing. After all, I came up with the name when asked how I would describe myself. Coming back to that reality is something that felt like I couldn’t hide from and in order to truly honor everything I had built, I needed to get to the root of what it is that I want to represent and share.

The evolution of my practice
Many of you have been on this newsletter subscription of mine for almost exactly 3 years. You get to read up on my weekly skin topics, check out my most updated features, and perhaps book a last minute appointment with me. However, I am sometimes a little struck when people ask me about how a part of my business is doing when I am so immersed in it that I thought the answer was much more obvious. Behind the scenes of my work life is not what people expect because I wear so many hats that all the moving parts are really mostly obvious to me. Starting out my practice almost 4 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. And to be quite honest, I still kind of don’t know what I’m doing almost every day. The only thing that has really changed is my understanding that the surrender is the part that is most important to trust. Not that I have all the answers within my hour long facials with clients everyday. The practice that I created is based on non-toxic skincare rituals and teachings that I am fortunate enough to make accessible through one on one custom facials, teaching events, and also through my conscious content portals of the blog and youtube channel. What I first created were very simplified facials that began the discussion of custom, integrated, whole care, but what it’s become is a little more specific than that. I want to share a few of the evolutions of my practice so that you can get a better idea of what the heck this is all about.

My week in review...
I feel like I’ve had a total reset over the last week. Over the last decade-plus, I have faced a lot of the same issues that I feel like I was able to overcome three major ones last week alone. First, there is such a lack of support and resources out in the esthetician world, especially for those of us who are seeking to break the mold and provide more integrated care. All of the new education that I’ve been getting certified in has just reignited my creativity and confidence in supporting my client’s health journeys. Second, I’ve gained my confidence again for events and public speaking. And lastly, I put myself first when my health took an unexpected plunge. Here’s my week in review.

When one door closes...
I think that it’s safe to say that all of us are aware of how social media can be a tricky platform to navigate, right? I remember in our pre-instagram world when a couple could break up without the whole world finding out at the same time and feeling entitled to share their opinions about it. So I find that I often don't know what to share and when if I'm going through a major transition. I am sure that many of you are aware of a few changes that have been going on with me and, after an unexpected miscommunication with an event announced last week, I think it’s finally time for me to address the elephant in the room. Don’t worry, James and I are not breaking up and the puppy is still a beautiful angel that we’re so excited to call our own fur baby.