My week in review...
I feel like I’ve had a total reset over the last week. Over the last decade-plus, I have faced a lot of the same issues that I feel like I was able to overcome three major ones last week alone. First, there is such a lack of support and resources out in the esthetician world, especially for those of us who are seeking to break the mold and provide more integrated care. All of the new education that I’ve been getting certified in has just reignited my creativity and confidence in supporting my client’s health journeys. Second, I’ve gained my confidence again for events and public speaking. And lastly, I put myself first when my health took an unexpected plunge. Here’s my week in review.
I spent the better half of a decade not getting much education past my yearly requirements to upkeep my license. I just relied on the experience I was acquiring through my daily clients, my own research, and intuition. It’s actually really strange to think of what types of treatments I was doing when I first started out with my own practice. I allowed myself to just build a facial off of the modalities and products that I enjoyed but I didn’t really inherit much of a synergy until the last year or so. I would sort of let the client guide me in a way that was still stuck in such a spa mindset, which means, I let them boss me around. If someone wanted a peel, I would do it, if someone didn’t want extractions, I wouldn’t do them...I shut down to try to replicate the client’s exact desires that I didn’t realize how I was shutting my very special ability to coach and educate.
There is certainly a point in which I determine an individual’s intention and try to mindfully guide them towards what is attainable for a one hour session. If someone came up to me and asked about eliminating a part of their skin, be it blackheads or dark spots, I just answered with certainty: “Sure, let’s do it!” That was a bit of a disservice as I look back on the expectation I set with my confidence. My confidence in skin and achieving even the wildest of goals is still there, however, I never realized how I was letting my client boss me into trying to achieve the results they are marketed to think they want. That’s when I realized recently that I have spent years in my own business, not being the leader. The recent education that I’ve acquired over the last several months has blown me right out of my comfort zone. I’ve discovered that my philosophy on skin are actually really sought after but was diluted by my “yes woman” mentality. Erasing, or rather elevating, from that mindset has truly transformed my facials and my business.
My second hurdle was my fear that I lacked magnetism when it comes to hosting events. I have done so many events in my career where I was essentially just doing what someone else asked of me. Even if the content was mine, I still didn’t feel as though I had much of a say in terms of presentation. I felt exhausted from them and honestly, was overdoing them completely until I started getting asked to host my own events. My hesitancy was the first sign that I should probably have waited before saying yes to the first few things as many of them fell through. That is until this last Friday where I was asked to speak at Unplug meditation. I felt dread going through the process of prepping for the event all the way until I got there. I felt at ease, the reception was magic, and I was enlightened to put myself out there again. I recently spoke about feminine and masculine energies, and I think it took for me to go inward for a little bit in order for me to feel as though I had something to give. I opened up, spoke from my heart, and felt the beautiful satisfaction of providing a new insight for those seeking support.
Lastly, going on my streak of ending my “yes woman” tendencies, I canceled over 6 appointments last week after I woke up incredibly feverish and ill. I had just visited my doctor and made some adjustments to some supplemental support so it was very normal for my body to reset itself through detoxification. I was just wiped out with no energy to work, even from bed. I slept almost 2 days straight other than to embarrassingly open the door to a client who didn’t receive the message that I was sick. I know I work from home, but finding myself at my worst, having to turn someone away from their long-awaited facial made me feel even more terrible. That is until I realized that human error is okay, even in your own business. I’ve pushed myself to work through sickness my entire life (because without my clients, I don’t make money), but it never is worth it. I’m always sicker for longer and often times risk the client getting sick. I finally just let it go and allowed myself to fully be off so I could recuperate. Which I’m still catching up from, but at least I feel better.
Take a pause, and allow yourself to enjoy this moment. Ask yourself, what inspires you?
So in conclusion, you can teach an old dog new tricks. You can revitalize your mindset, your career, your lifestyle. You just have to find inspiration to do so. I truly believe that if I hadn’t had my Gua Sha class last week followed by an awesome event, that I would still feel guilty about being sick last week. The ups I had in my week really inspired me to take care of myself because they were a reminder of how I want to treat others, and how well I function when I’m not chronically feeling low in my immunity. It’s almost the beginning of a new month and I’m inspired to see how much I can keep up with this delightful new outlook. And with that, I’ll leave you with this, what inspires you to keep going? If you don’t have an immediate answer, perhaps it’s time for you to take a pause and reflect. Allow your intuition to lead you towards a new-found mindset so you can feel vibrant during this time. This vibrancy will only continue to radiate in your skin, as your essence will be sparked once again! You deserve to glow so keep it up, you’ve got this.
Find more ways to discover Your Best Skin, Your Best Self with Therapeutic Skin Coach