It takes a village
TSC Education Hayley Wood TSC Education Hayley Wood

It takes a village

Building a community for yourself is important for any stage of your life. If you think about your work, you usually need a full team to get everything done. If the team is built right for the task and everyone shares the same passion for the common goal, the results are usually productive and wonderful. If your team isn’t structured according to the same goals it can be disastrous. The same concept falls into friendships, families and the community you built to help keep you well and healthy. Your wellness community is everything and shouldn’t be ignored. Let's face it, the phrase "it takes a village" doesn't just stop when we're babied. Here are some key points to evaluate when building your team.

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FP Escapes Recap; what I learned and what you didn't see
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

FP Escapes Recap; what I learned and what you didn't see

On Saturday, I landed back in LA and was greeted by a fellow passenger with a “good luck”. Though I’m sure the sentiment was very surface, I felt it on a multitude of levels as I awaited assistance to get off of the plane. I guess I should back up a little bit before you all start to worry. The previous Saturday I was on my way to Mexico with Tara for our long awaited trip to Todos Santos for a Free People Escape in which we were going to be hosting our signature Skin Food Talk, a beauty workshop, individual consultations and managing the Tara curated meals for 20+ guests and staff for the next week. We were ready, excited and open for the chance to grow individually and as a partnership. Packed with bikinis and yoga clothes, our day started in the early hours of the morning as we fly to Cabo around 8 am. Our social media feeds were flooded with our friends getting ready for the Women’s Marches in all parts of the world. The FOMO (fear of missing out) started to kick in until we realized that we would be able to hold space for our sisters marching on as we were chosen for this trip for a reason.

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All my wedding look details
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

All my wedding look details

After my last post I was asked a lot about the specifics of my wedding look. Here is how it came together. I started the day off with 5 minutes of dry brushing with my Pursoma jute dry brush. I put a timer on and slowly worked in an upward fashion, always moving towards my heart and focusing on areas that have cellulite or rough skin. I followed up with Pursoma’s earthbound body mask covering myself completely including my face in a light layer. I meditated as I let the mask absorb for 15 minutes. When I was done I washed off with a hot and cold shower to flush out any toxins. This is a great way to wake up and energize as it gets your lymphatic system moving wonderfully. I drank a ton of water before and after as well to keep me energized.

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Staying true to yourself
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

Staying true to yourself

So I got married over the weekend...

I got engaged in an "unconventional" way and I got married in an "unconventional" way. But who is it really unconventional to? Because I stuck with what felt like the most organic way I could imagine such an important day. Yet I was still met with many questions from the get go about the "whys" of my choices. Everyone becomes an advice giver when it comes to another person's life event, and don't get me wrong, I listen. See here's the thing; I've been doing treatments for a long time and overtime I listened to the thousands of brides, bridesmaids, grooms, and in laws speak of the weddings happening in their lives and I came up with a few of my "when I get married rules". They definitely apply to many other life events as well as the day to day. Here are some tips as to how to stay true no matter what:

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What to expect from me in 2017
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

What to expect from me in 2017

2017 feels like it took forever to get here didn’t it? Up until the last day of the year it was draining but here we are now, first few days of 2017 and it already feels filled with hope. I wanted to take the time to write down my intentions and realized how much it meant to me to share those with you. Here are my Therapeutic Skin Coach intentions for 2017:

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Holiday Reminders
TSC Education Hayley Wood TSC Education Hayley Wood

Holiday Reminders

We tend to forget what the holidays are really about. Right before the festivities a lot of us actually end up getting sick or even sad/depressed because we are not taking the time for ourselves like we do the rest of the year. Here are some reminders on how to shift your perspective and enjoy the holidays healthy and happily. 

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Unsolicited advice from uber drivers
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

Unsolicited advice from uber drivers

Not having a car in LA means that most of my days I have to take uber or lyft to get around. I tend to get car sick so I often sit in the front seat and this opens up an opportunity for my drivers  to ask me many questions. I totally get it, most people treat these drivers like they would a taxi driver or bus driver and don’t dive into dialogue other than basic chit chat. The first questions are always related to what I do or where I’m going. Over the last few weeks I have been prepping for my upcoming wedding by taking classes at a local yoga studio (Set and Flow if you're interested! I highly recommend!) so naturally the conversation leads to why I’m doing yoga and how I like it. Throughout this dialogue I have been advised to try the “lemonade” diet (this is not a Beyonce diet’s a version of the master cleanse I guess) and to download an “anorexia” app (not an actual anorexia app, but those were the words it was presented to me by). This is when I started paying attention, not because I was interested in the suggestions but because I was startled to think who else gets this kind of advice.

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Hayley's Holiday Guide
TSC Education Hayley Wood TSC Education Hayley Wood

Hayley's Holiday Guide

With the holidays coming up it can be quite challenging to come up with gifts for everyone in your life. From family to friends to colleagues and everyone else in between the creative juices of gift giving stop flowing after a while. The desire to be creative, practical and heartfelt sometimes makes it seem like no gift will be good enough. Though my blogs are usually a little more on the educational side, I felt like my guide to gift giving could potentially spark some inspiration. Now that black friday, cyber monday and all the other overwhelming sales are winding down you may be getting a little worried if all of your shopping isn’t done. Here is my guide to Holiday gift giving:

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How to embrace flaws!
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

How to embrace flaws!

If you have worked with me before, you know that there is no easy answers to finding “perfect” skin. Instead of a formula, it takes a whole book full of different chapters to find the right tools for you. Whether we want to admit it or not, we will never have “perfect” skin, there simply is no such thing. Even on my best day, there is probably something imperfect going on. So what do I do? I accept it, embrace it and allow it to teach me what is truly going on. Here is how you can do the same:

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How to develop a gratitude practice
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

How to develop a gratitude practice

With Thanksgiving only one day it’s a great reminder to start thinking about what we are grateful for. Your family or friends may start casually asking you; “What are you grateful for?” in honor of the festivities but it may take you a beat to actually think of something. Sure, we are grateful for the time off and the Thanksgiving feast but what about how we are everyday. When we are living in our day to day we may or may not notice the opportunities to express mindfulness and gratitude. After all there is so much to be grateful for that it doesn’t need to be reserved for just one day out of the year. Here are some steps to developing a gratitude practice:

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I couldn't find the right words
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

I couldn't find the right words

I couldn’t find the words last week. I wanted to send out a blog post, which as you all know I haven’t done since September due to various reasons. I wanted to send out my availability. I wanted to send out a message of hope. At the end of the day, I just didn’t have the words. I didn’t want to flood you all with messages about getting a facial because last week it felt trivial. “No one will care” I said to myself, until I realized how false that statement was. Many of you relied on your appointments with me last week to follow in exactly what I advocate, putting yourself first and embarking on self care as a means of coping with stress, anxiety and grief. Then it hit me, I not only have a huge responsibility to help people get through their own personal health and skin issues, but also in creating a safe space to be able to help others heal. 

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The Story of Alexa
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

The Story of Alexa

The story of Alexa is one I have been wanting to share for a long time. This beautiful being came into my life in the most organic way of 2016, through social media. She posted a declaration of self love on a Facebook group we are both apart of to inspire other women of our community. While most of these posts usually go unnoticed as they flood my feed, something about Alexa stuck out. Here is her story:

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Keep your hopes up!
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

Keep your hopes up!

Skincare can be a very sensitive subject for most, especially if you are coping with a skin condition that already is weighing on your confidence. If you think back to 10, 20, 30 or more years ago there were not as many people that were dealing with the skin issues we are encountering now. Many aspects of our environment, food processes/sourcing and medicines have changed drastically within the last few decades. Advancements are always a good thing but there are deeply rooted issues that feel impossible to fix that we have no control over. So what do you do? Here is my guide to coping with external factors while not losing hope on your skin recovery.

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How to stay patient with your skin
Hayley Wood Hayley Wood

How to stay patient with your skin

We can all agree that the most frustrating part of skin issues and imbalances is the waiting game. Most people think that there has to be an overnight remedy to fix these issues. People will spend an insane amount of money and energy to try to achieve the impossible. With so many promises out there it’s easy to get convinced that a skincare product or a crazy expensive doctors visit will provide the answer. Unfortunately, this isn’t the case. Our skin is live organ that has many functions it needs to do every moment of the day, including while you are sleeping. We can’t really control it unless we learn to listen to it. So how do we do that? The answer is simple, we have to be patient. How very irritating of me right? Here’s the thing: I struggle with two major inflammatory conditions, eczema and acne, and I’ve struggled with them since I was a pre-teen so I can identify with the impatience that comes along with these conditions. Here is my guide to how to stay patient when your skin isn’t clearing up and what you can do to be proactive.

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