The evolution of my practice
Many of you have been on this newsletter subscription of mine for almost exactly 3 years. You get to read up on my weekly skin topics, check out my most updated features, and perhaps book a last minute appointment with me. However, I am sometimes a little struck when people ask me about how a part of my business is doing when I am so immersed in it that I thought the answer was much more obvious. Behind the scenes of my work life is not what people expect because I wear so many hats that all the moving parts are really mostly obvious to me. Starting out my practice almost 4 years ago, I had no idea what I was doing. And to be quite honest, I still kind of don’t know what I’m doing almost every day. The only thing that has really changed is my understanding that the surrender is the part that is most important to trust. Not that I have all the answers within my hour long facials with clients everyday. The practice that I created is based on non-toxic skincare rituals and teachings that I am fortunate enough to make accessible through one on one custom facials, teaching events, and also through my conscious content portals of the blog and youtube channel. What I first created were very simplified facials that began the discussion of custom, integrated, whole care, but what it’s become is a little more specific than that. I want to share a few of the evolutions of my practice so that you can get a better idea of what the heck this is all about.

A new kind of resolution
You know that feeling you have when the clock strikes midnight on New Year's Eve and you feel like you can start anew? That feeling can be awfully intimidating and exhilarating at the same time. To feel the pressure to shed old habits overnight can oftentimes set us up for failure which can eventually lead to shame. This year, I set a new intention. One without the shackling feeling that a resolution may previously have had. The intention was inspired by my last client of the year, Cassie of Candid Health, which is to take things one day at a time. We all have different ways of working through patterns and releasing what needs to be let go and in the past when I would find myself backtracking more than anything if I set a strict resolution up for myself. Like a lot of entrepreneurs, I march to the beat of my own drum and regardless of my work ethic where I could go about a busy schedule with no problem, it was never fulfilling and I would fall back hard to old patterns and escapism. The intention to take things one day at a time for a workaholic like me is the most freeing and self-loving act I can think of at this point in my life.