Alignment is happening.
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

Alignment is happening.

Alignment is happening.

Since my last blog post, I have received calls, texts, emails, and all sorts of communication of support. My heart has swelled with the loving energy I’ve received and absolutely didn’t expect from that particular post. When I wrote my last blog, it was so cathartic that I almost forgot about it after I hit publish. The experience of writing my deepest thoughts and emotions is my greatest form of therapeutic self-care so I do it for the feeling it gives me rather than focusing on potential reader reaction. So it means a lot to me when you all see and hear me for exactly who I am after sharing something so vulnerable like the fear of the unknown.

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Express gratitude and embrace change...
TSC journey Hayley Wood TSC journey Hayley Wood

Express gratitude and embrace change...

When I was in beauty school I remember how a lesson in acne led into one of the most powerful life-changing discussions. We were exploring the root causes of acne and how that can be related to stress on all accounts (physical, emotional, etc.). The simple solution our guest teacher had for stress management was to express gratitude and embrace change. At 18, this had me totally shook! It was so simple but it was something I never really sat down to think about how the combination of those two seemingly simple action could turn your entire life, and health, around. My expression of gratitude is a daily practice, however, I do like to take the opportunity to sit deeply on this topic whenever I can. So with Thanksgiving around the corner, I wanted to share my gratitude for the year with all of you. 2017 was not at all what I expected, especially since 2016 felt like we all were hit by a bus. I sort of expected it to be a little easier but with so many life changes it’s easy to think back on it now and realize that this year was going to be a big one. Emotionally, financially, physically, all the things just grew towards a new level I never thought was possible. Without my gratitude practice, I don’t think I could see this year as positively as I do but the old saying still runs true: what doesn’t kill you makes you stronger. That’s where the embracing change part creeps in. It’s one thing to express gratitude but when life is throwing you all sorts of curve balls, it’s how you embrace the journey that truly transforms you.

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