Life Updates

Y'all it's been forever right?? 

Like many of you, the transition into 2021 was a whirlwind for me. I've had a lot of transition and behind-the-scenes secrets I haven't been able to share fully so I decided to just keep to myself for a few months. It felt better than to bombard all of you with an extra newsletter that would inevitably get lost in the shuffle of New Year inbox junk. 


But we've reached a point where I have to say something because a lot has come to light. As some of you may already know, I am getting endometriosis surgery on Wednesday, February 24th. It's the most extensive surgery I've ever been scheduled to have and I am not taking the recovery lightly. 

 Back in October 2019, I had another surgery for fibroid removal where I was diagnosed with the endo. I only gave myself 4 days off before I started seeing clients again. With my chronic illness having reached peak levels of pain in the last year, I know I can't afford to push myself anymore.  

So that being said, read below for more updates:

I know this might come as a surprise but I've officially closed my office in Roseburg, Oregon. Relocating my business to another state during a pandemic has been much more difficult than I have let on to any of you - including close friends. However, this experience has opened me to up to realizing what I want for myself, my family, and my future.

​How does this impact TSC? Well, she's in need of a major reboot (MORE ON THIS COMING SOON - and I know I say that a lot but trust). I am going to be taking some time off to start my studies with @ntatraining and recovery from my endometriosis surgery. A new educational and unfiltered take on topics I've been WAITING to discuss (TRUE skin health, self-acceptance, chronic illness, industry changes, etc.) are coming as soon as I'm recovered. But first, I have to decompress from the past 15 years of facial-ing and last year of non-stop changes.

​〰️ ​To my clients in LA; I will keep in touch with you separately but just know that you have made my dreams come true.

​〰️​ To my clients in Roseburg; thank you for seeing me for who I am and appreciating what I have to offer.

​​〰️ To estheticians following me for support/advise; I'm still very much here for you.

​〰️ To everyone else; thank you for following this journey.

​Please know that even though I'm no longer offering in-person facials for the foreseeable future, I am still offering virtual consultations and online courses. I will have so much more space to create what I've been envisioning for years now. So stay tuned and thank you for your support during this transition. It's the end of an era that I never thought I would see but I couldn't be more excited about the future. 💫

Stepping back from facials for the first time in 15 years (minus short breaks here and there) has been the scariest leap of faith I've ever taken.  

I am terrified that no one will want to work with me anymore. Or that people will not find me valuable unless I'm in the treatment room busting out holistic facial magic. I mean, who am I if I'm not of service? The fact that I even had to ask myself this question means I'm way past my due date for redirection in my life. 

I need to heal (PERIOD). And if we've learned anything in 2020 is that we have to honor our soul's journey and redirect the way we work according to that. Having started working as an esti at such a young age, I never developed proper boundaries for myself and my work. I developed both adrenal and compassion fatigue as a result. I hardly ever said no and when I did, I felt an immense amount of guilt. The industry can be really gross like that by perpetuating the notion that service providers in the wellness industry are not allowed to be sick or have personal boundaries. 

So instead of feeling guilty all the time and faking my way through feeling “fine” all the time, I decided to stop putting on a service provider front for the first time in 20 years. I'm ready to just be Hayley for a while. It's scary but it's a relief to just take a deep breath and know I can have the freedom to voice my opinions, beliefs, and curious thoughts without the confining barriers that usually accompany my line of work. 

Will I be away from the treatment room forever? Probably not but I will stay out of it until my health is not on the back burner anymore. And for as long as it takes me to not slip into people-pleasing, “yes man” habits again. Therapeutic Skin Coach will still be here as a portal of education and support for all your skin health needs. I will sprinkle in some new content and classes very soon, I just have to heal from my endo surgery on 2/24 first!  

So on that note, THANK YOU for everything. For believing in me, for your sweet messages of support, and for helping me believe in what I preach - intuitive self-care. Nothing feels more aligned for me right now and I hope this amount of honesty and transparency inspires you to honor yourself as well. 

xo - Hayley


Turning the page...


Redefining Beauty in 2020